The other explanation I've heard is that Data was able to perform the Vulcan Nerve Pinch therefore an android can perform a mind-meld, but that was never established as an ability based in telepathy, rather in physical strength. But as the Enterprise-A returns home to be decomissioned and the command crew is offered retirement, Spocks actions weigh on his mind and his conscience. He became one of the most distinguished and respected figures in the United Federation of Planets.
Spock forces a mind meld full#
It seems a little ridiculous to me that a machine/computer could link-up telepathically to a human especially since Sutra is a pre Soji/Dahj android (she's not even part biological). Spock full name generally considered unpronounceable by Humans was a male Human/Vulcan hybrid who lived during the 23rd and 24th century.

Neither of them are Vulcan (a trait I thought was likely exclusive to Vulcan's from their heightened sense of or something along those lines).

In Picard, Sutra (an android), mind-meld's with Agnes (A biological human). The Vulcans regain control of their commandeered vessels, and the Klingon, Federation, and Vulcan ships join forces to defeat. They have planted a bomb on the Enterprise, and a cloaked fleet has been in orbit of New Vulcan during the entire incident. Kirk and Spock find the creature hurt and Spock conducts a Vulcan mind-meld with it to learn more about it - it is called a Horta. I think it's a decent attempt to link canon but doesn't quite solve the issue as Spock was mind-melding to the computer, rather then the computer mind-melding to Spock. Thanks to a mind meld carried out by Spock-Prime, the Romulans are exposed to be duplicitous. Spock mind melding with a computer in TOS, as evidence of previous continuity affirming the aforementioned Picard scene. I've noticed recently that people have been comparing the Sutra/Agnes mind meld scene to previous canon, i.e.